EPHEMERAL ARTIFACTS  Duration : 60 minutes Created and Produced by Anandam Dancetheatre, Canada Co-Choreographer, Director, Dramaturge Brandy Leary Co-Choreographer, Performer, Composer Travis Knights Choreographed by Brandy Leary, Ephemeral Artifacts...
As part of the Attakkalari India Biennial 2024, Basel-based dancer JOHANNA HEUSSER, and Indian movement artist from Arunachal Pradesh, ASENG BORANG, are in residency and have been together working towards creating their...

Johnny Got His Gun | Finland

  • 5 February 2024
  • rajitha
Essi Rossi, the Finnish theatre-maker, presents a gripping one-man adaptation of Dalton Trumbo’s 1938 anti-war masterpiece, Johnny Got His Gun. In the aftermath of a grenade hitting Joe Bonham...


  • 5 February 2024
  • rajitha
As Alfonso di Nola writes in La Morte Trionfata, mourning is the set of social practices and psychic processes aroused by the death of a loved one. In the...

Vengo Jondo | Marco Flores, Spain

  • 1 February 2024
  • rajitha
“Vengo Jondo” is a word game. It can be: deep, solid, austere, tangent. In flamenco slang you can relate to tradition. But also with the firm, with a very...

Palimpsest & KalpaVriksha | India

  • 1 February 2024
  • rajitha
Palimpsest responds to environmental ruination in the Anthropocene and traverses across time to acknowledge the effects of climate change, subtly invoking a collective call for action. Esoteric Indo –...