Event Details

  • Start Date 02/17/2024
  • Start Time 19:30
  • End Date 02/17/2024
  • End Time 20:40
  • Location Ranga Shankara

“Vengo Jondo” is a word game.

It can be: deep, solid, austere, tangent. In flamenco slang you can relate to tradition. But also with the firm, with a very personal truth. So, this piece reflects the most personal of the three artists that it composes, very linked to the tradition but always abiding by the sincerity of its own contemporary language” The audience will see a performed concert. Acted since we rely on the basic musical concert’s structure, flamenco in this case, but leaving the doors open to all the musical, dramatic and dance capacities that its performers have. Thus, this piece reflects the most personal side of the three artists that compose it, closely linked to tradition but always open to the sincerity of their own language. The true essence.