Attakkalari India Biennial 2013

Master Classes



A short note on the masterclass facilitator

Juraj (Yuri) Korec, is a performer, movement teacher, choreographer and bodywork therapist graduated from The Faculty of Music and Dance in The Comenius University in Bratislava. Presently a member of The Austrian cieLaroque/helene weinzierl.

Viviana Escalé Spanish, born in Buenos Aires, studied dance at the “Institut del Teatre de Barcelona” and Dance Therapy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

A short note on what the class is about The masterclass consists of two main parts. The first part focuses on fine body tuning as a preparation for movement. It is based on body awareness and basic coordination exercises. The second part is the main one and it consists of improvisation tasks leading to short compositions which will be used, re-used and combined to create a bigger meaningful unit. We will share with the dancers some of the tools we used in order to create the piece, as well as practicing other tasks related to improvisation and compositon. The aim is to get to know the work of the company a bit closer and to have fun!

Duration of the masterclass

120 Minutes (1st part 30min, 2nd part 90min)

How many participants

Smaller Group about 10 people


Rs 1000


27th Jan 2013, Sunday, 1pm – 3pm

Venue Attakkalari, Diploma studio



A short note on the masterclass facilitator

Vladislav Soltys , graduated at the Bratislava Academy of Music and Performing Arts from dance pedagogy. He worked at the university in the Allegro, Torzo Balet group in Bratislava, Laroque Dance Company Salzburg (A) in various productions At present collaborates with Slovak choreographers Šárka Ondrišová and Marta Poláková, Bratislava. He teaches Yoga and Contemporary dance in the Elledanse house in Bratislava, ProArt festival in Brno and Lab workshops in Bratislava.

A short note on what the class is about This class focus on work with body weight at motion and support on the floor, with impuls as a motion initiator, breathing as leading and inseparable body drive and imagination as the main reason for the movement in artistic expression. Class exercises will be drawn from the qualities of released and off-balance dancing while daring movers to find disparate of stillness and explosion. The class include a general warm-up, floor work, technique combinations and final dancing variation. The warm up begins with a brief meditation aimed at focusing the mind, setting the mover’s intentions for the class, and connecting the emotional and physical bodies.

Duration of the masterclass

120 Minutes (1st part 30min, 2nd part 90min)

How many participants

Max 20 people


Rs 1000


27th Jan 2013, Sunday, 3:30pm – 5:30pm

Venue Attakkalari, Diploma studio